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Our club has four main areas of interest: Horticulture, Floral Design, Conservation and Photography. Each has its own committee and members are expected to participate in at least one. Perhaps more importantly, our group is involved in various ways in our communities. Remember: you need not be an expert to enjoy a committee, and you may wish to join more than one in order to meet more people and learn what the committees do. Members are expected to be involved in at least one major committee, preferably more than one.

in alphabetical order

A   C   D   E   F   G   H    P   S   V   W 


ACTIVITIES-- Cheryl Cheston- Chair
                      Ellyn Spragins, Vice-Chairs

Laura Carpenter

Sonya Driscoll

Patty Greenhalgh

Elaine Lisle

Laura Riedel

Melissa Oeth

Marilyn Sprague

Maria Thompson


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This committee shepherds the application process and ensures new members feel welcome and get involved as soon as possible. Committee members are elected to a three-year term.

  Jackie Burke, Hazel Hannaway  -- Co-Chairs

      click for Admissions info     or see Handbook
for information about  proposing a new member.

Jackie Burke serve through 2025

Hazel Hannaway serve through 2025

Julie serve through 2026

Melissa Oeth serve through 2026
Karen serve through 2027
Heather serve through 2027


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Archivists liaison between The Weeders and The Philadelphia Historical

Society and organizes, catalogs and maintains records and minutes.

Historian -- Maria Thompson - Chair

Laura Mitchell, Marty Morse


Awards  makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or the Membership for Weeders who qualify for the various Club and GCA awards.

GCA & Club Awards   Julie DeVuono — Chair 

Cheryl Cheston

Nancy Holmes

Ellie Penniman

Cindy Pierce
Karen Shephard

Marilyn Sprague


Weeders Flower Show Awards -- Jen Fryberger

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Christmas Sale Meeting: at each December meeting, Weeders bring homemade

comestibles, cut winter branches, holiday decorations, craft projects and

assorted goods for sale to one another.  The committee organizes and staffs

the sale. Proceeds from the sale are used to fund community projects. Some

of the winter greens are also used to make holiday tray-table decorations for


Murfee Aceto  Melissa Oeth– co- Chairs

Table-Top Decorations         Polly Garnet

Christmas Sale Committee

Pam Bagby

Michele Bolton
Laura Carpenter

Monica Church 

Heather Gallagher

Jeanne May

Laura Riedel
Robin Smith

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Club Flower Show

Community Affairs The Club takes on various community projects in the

Philadelphia region, some of them short-term, others ongoing. All members

are encouraged to participate as they are able.

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Gazebo Garden at Bryn Mawr maintains garden weekly during the

growing season, 1-2 hours in the morning.

Cheryl Cheston -- Chair

Connie Carlson

Hazel Hannaway

Elaine Lisle

Marty Morse

Ellen Pemberton 

Anne Rhoads

Marilyn Sprague

Reggie Thomas Maria Thompson

 Mariana Wilson

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Hilltop House Gardens   The gardens of this former mainline estate is maintained and enhanced by a group of volunteers Weeders.  Now part of Easttown Township, the venue is used for community events, weddings and other social activities.         

Jeanne May- Chair;  Nancy Holmes– Vice Chair


Laura Carpenter

Julie DeVuono

Jen Fryberger

Heather Gallagher

Audrey Kese

Gabi Podskanova

Karen Shepard

Robin Smith

Marilyn Sprague

Cathy Zurbach

Avery Bissell Nancy Evans

Weezie Johnston
Sue Heckrotte

Ellie Penniman

Ronald McDonald House-- group does floral arrangements twice/year at a member's home, then they deliver to hospitals

Laura Carpenter— Chair

Monica Church

Lynn Gibbons

Ellen Pemberton
Ellyn Spragins

Maria Thompson

Lorraine Wallace

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​Strafford Station maintains plantings and containers; meets Tuesday

mornings in season.--

Melissa Oeth -- Chair,  Sarah Harrity-- Vice Chair

Laura Carpenter

Monica Church
Alice Doering

Polly Garnett

Beth Hayes

Gretchen Kiernan 

Jeanne May

Wendy Quereau

Marilyn Sprague 

Lesley Undercofler

Communtiy Affairs
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Conservation/National Affairs & Legislation

Conservation investigates environmental projects for the committee/club

members to act upon, and reports findings to the club at meetings;

encourages members to adhere to good gardening practices, and keeps them

aware of environmental concerns The Committee keeps the Weeders

informed on current conservation issues and promotes respect for natural

resources and responsibility for environmental stewardship. Identifies and

carries out conservation work locally; may include a hands-on project that

The Weeders could promote in our community. The Chair or a delegate attends

the NAL conference in Washington, DC annually. Makes recommendations and

manages Conservation Contributions in conjunction with the Treasurer. 

Monica Church- Chair
Beth Hayes- Vice Chair       

Tamra Adams
Lloyd Brown
Laura Carpenter

Phoebe Driscoll

Floy Ervin

Martha Edwards

Jen Fryberger

Heather Gallagher

Kat Hassinger

Sue Heckrotte

B.J. Johnson
Louise Johnson

Laura Riedel

Marilyn Sprague

Reggie Thomas

Penny Watkins

Crazy For Containers!
Jen Fryberger, Kat Hassinger- Co-chairs 

Murfee Aceto

Laura Carpenter

Cheryl Cheston

Alice Doering

Floy Ervin

Jennifer Fryberger

Heather Gallagher

Sharon Herrmann

Jane Kline
Jeanne May

Ellie Penniman

Cindy Pierce
Linda Schanne

Karen Shepard

Ellyn Spragins

Maria Thompson


Data Base/ GCA
Ellie Penniman

Email Manager-- Ellyn Spragins 

Data Base

Flower Show and Floral Design creates the schedules for two Club

Flower Shows each year, runs those shows and organizes occasional


Flower Shows encompass three disciplines: horticulture, floral design and

photography. We have two flower shows plus one photography show. Overall responsibility of Photography falls under FS Chair.  All members are

encouraged to exhibit, and novice classes are often included. The committee

creates the schedules for two or three intra-club shows each year, then sets up

and staffs the show with clerks, passers, stagers and registrars.

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Jen Fryberger -- Chair            Robin Smith --Vice Chair                    

Melissa Bullitt

Monica Church

Margery Cooper
Julie DeVuono

Deb Geffken

Lynn Gibbons

Coco Jarvis
B.J. Johnson

Kat Hassinger
Audrey Kese

Anne Marble

Jeanne May


Patty Minehart

Gabriella Podsklanova

Laura Riedel

Linda Schanne
Ellyn Spragins

Anne Woodcock

Cathy Zurbach


GCA Bulletin acts as liaison to the GCA to publicize news and activities of

the Weeders.

Ellyn Spragins -- Chair 

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Ellie Penniman  -- Chair

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Michele Bolton
Jackie Burke

Nancy Holmes
Julie DeVuono

Maria Thompson

Karen Shephard

Garden History and Design

Horticulture plans and executes hands-on workshops on a variety of topics such as seed-starting, propagation by cuttings, trough-making and pruning; works with the Program and Flower Show committees to coordinate


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Jeanne May -- Chair    Wendy Quereau --Vice Chair

Laura Carpenter Cheryl Cheston Monica Church

Julie DeVuono

Alice Doering

Lynn Gibbons

Beth Hayes 
Elaine Lisle

Anne Rhoads

Laura Riedel


GCA Bulletin

Judging Rep. to GCA                 Alice Doering

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Philadelphia Committee of the Garden Club of America (PCGCA)

 A Garden Club of America committee comprised of the GCA clubs in the Philadelphia area. A chief focus of this group is to raise funds from the

member clubs, typically for seed money for urban horticultural projects.

Nancy Holmes (as Club President)

            Gretchen Kiernan, Delegate 

            Nancy Evans, Fertilizer Fund Liason

Weeders Delegates attend monthly meetings of the Philadelphia Committee of the Garden Club of America and report back to the members.


Magnolia Tribute Garden Marilyn Sprague --  

Laura Carpenter

Physic Garden

Laura Carpenter, Laura Riedel, Melissa Schweiter

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​Photography designs the schedule for Flower Show photography classes

and may hold workshops.  Also takes photos of Weeders meetings and

events for inclusion on our website and for GCA submissions.

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Club Photographers:

Melissa Bullitt

Cheryl Cheston 

Lorraine Wallace

Nancy Evans 

Anne Marble

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Print and Communications requires skill in Word to create documents for the “Blue Book” and other printed materials. 


Cheryl Cheston -- Chair  
Ellyn Spragins-- Vice Chair

Print and Communications

Program This critical committee plans the meetings each year, including topics, speakers, venues and hostesses. Each Committee member is

expected to oversee a meeting. All Weeders are expected to act as hostess/helper on a rotating basis. (Sustainers are exempt.)

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Michelle Bolton --  Chair  Pam Bagby -- Vice Chair

Julie DeVuono

Alice Doering 

Jen Fryberger

Jen Fryberger

Audrey Kese

Laura Riedel

Karen Shepard

Ellyn Spragins Marilyn Sprague 

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Scholarship identifies and recommends qualified individuals to the

Executive Committee for GCA scholarship awards.   

Sonya Driscoll -- Chair and Rep. to GCA,   Coco Jarvis-- Vice Chair

Nancy Evans

Patty Minehart

Ellie Penniman

Marilyn Sprague
Maria Thompson

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Visiting Gardens  arranges occasional garden visits for members and their guests. Coordinates through GCA Zone Rep. visits for members of other

GCA clubs who are visiting this area.  For further information, to visit gardens as you travel, see the GCA website ( or contact the

Visiting Gardens Chair

Polly Garnett -- Chair and Rep. to GCA

Laura Carpenter

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Visiting Gardens
Weeder Trips and Tours
Harriet WilliamsblankScreen Shot 2018-07
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